Program To Convert Number In Word To Digit In C Language
#include stdio.h // friend's this blog page considering this including file as html tags so why #include conio.h // I removed brackets. #include string.h #include math.h void main() { char no[70]; char *st; int i,m=0,j,k,l,n,p,q; char *a[50][50]={{"Zero","","","","","","","","",},{"One","Ten","One Hundred","One Thousand","Ten Thousand","One Lakh","Ten Lakh","One Crore","Ten Crore"}, {"Two","Twenty","Two Hundred","Two Thousand","Twenty Thousand","Two Lakh","Twenty Lakh","Two Crore","Twenty Crore"}, {"Three","Thirty","Three Hundred","Three Thousand","Thirty Thousand","Three L...